Dr. William W. Burr, dr.
December 7, 1977

Page 2

trust territory health officials should be informed of these preliminary
results. More important, some purification system, easy to use, should
be considered for the water systems. Something should be done about the
existing cisterns and open wells and some thought might be given to the
design of future cisterns planned for the residential housing on Enyu.
I asked the district representative at Bikini if many of the people
suffered from dysentery. He toid me that many people did and I recommended
that he inform the population to boil the drinking water before use until
a more rigorous inspection of the water supply could be made.
Unfortunately we were both out of time and suitable sterilized containers to conduct more sampling.
Roger Ray indicated he would inform Oscar DeBrum of our results and
recommend to the health officials that a more detailed investigation of
the microbiological contamination of the water supplies should be conducted

in the immediate future.

Yours truly,

Biet. OViaadkflor
Victor E. Noshkin
Environmental Sciences Division

cc: Dr. B. Buddemeier, University of Hawaii
Dr. H. McCammon, DBER, DOE
Mr. C. Fraley, University of Hawaii
Mr. Roger Ray, NVOO


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