
Training of Personnel

Training of the Task Unit personnel and project monitors was carried
on at several places. Most of it was given at Ft. McClellan, Alabama, with

the First RSSU providing the training staff. However, many members of
this staff had first to be trained in their jobs. This was done through a
unit-training program at Ft. McClellan. In addition, a project monitors’
course, conducted by members of the First RSSU, LASL, and UCRL, was
held at Ft. McClellan during January 1956. Approximately 100 project personnel attended the course, which lasted four and one-half days.
Training of selected photodosimetry, monitoring, and radiochemistry
personnel was conducted at LASL by a number of groups within H-Division.

The Navy hospital corpsmen spent approximately eight weeks in its various

Instrument-repair personnel were specially trained at the Navy

facility at Treasure Island, San Francisco, arrangements being made through
the Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory (NRDL). Also, all Navy civilians
used by the Task Units were given four weeks of instruction at NRDL prior
to departure for the Pacific Proving Grounds.
Monitors! training courses were conducted at Parry and Enyu islands
as required. Holmes and Narver personnel were trained as monitors by the
H&N organization on Parry Island.

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