
Unusual Incidents

Only one incident occurred on Eniwetok Atoll that presented a serious
hazard from a radiological standpoint. This hazard arose from a plutonium
spill that occurred in a trailer belonging to Project 2.51. A plutonium foil,
prepared by LASL, split open at the crimping on the edge. When this foil
was picked up for inspection, an estimated 100 mg of oxidized plutonium es-

caped through the split in the seal.

Project personnel continued to use the

trailer after the accident, and as a result, the alpha contamination was spread

to other trailers, personnel, and living quarters.
Monitoring of personnel disclosed that 10 persons had been contaminated,
Twenty-four-hour urine specimens were taken from the 10 after they had been .
decontaminated and all showed measurable amounts of plutonium. However,
- the amounts they received were well below tolerance limits.
As a result of the spread of the plutonium one barracks room and four
tents required decontamination. In addition, bedding and personal clothing
were confiscated and disposed of. A thorough survey revealed that, fortu~
nately, none of the plutonium was carried to the mess hall.
Trailers contaminated by the spill were eventually decontaminated, but
serious equipment losses resulted. The trailer in which the spill occurred
was completely stripped of equipment, the majority of which had to be dis-

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carded. All plutonium-contaminated items were poured in concrete, then
taken well out to sea for burial.




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