
On-Site Fall-out

Fall-out on Eniwetok and Parry islands was observed only once from
devices fired
etok Atoll. Approximately two hours after detonation


m Eberiru Island, an increase in background was noted
The fall-out, which was light, continued for approximately

one hour. Peak intensity, reached at the end of the fall-out, was 22 mr/hbr.
Rain showers later in the day effectively removed most of the contamination.

The only significant fall-out observed on Eniwetok and Parry islands

during the operation resulted from the
vice fired on Bikini
Atoll. The fall-out on Eniwetok comm
mately nine hours after
the device was fired. Two peak intensities in air concentration were observed, as shown in Fig. 2.11. The increase in the background was quite

rapid, with a peak of 100 to 120 mr/hr throughout Parry Island.

During the

fall-out period, which lasted approximately 17 hr, several rain showers occurred; rain samples assayed showed counts in exceas of 5,000,000 disintegrations per minute per liter.

The gamma background level fell off quite rapidly once the fall-out
ceased. It is to be noted in Fig. 2.11 that the background decay was much
more rapid than that. expected from the normal exponential decay until H+48
hr and later.
Clean-up operations after the fall-out were conducted around living and
recreation areas. As a result of the rain showers, hot spots were found
around each building where rain runoff collected. These hot spots, along
with other contamination on the surface, were most effectively reduced by
using bulldozers, road scrapers, and hand-grading operations to turn the sand.
The decontamination efforts were successful in reducing the level to such

that no one exceeded the 300 mr/week tolerance level.

Most serious effect of the fall-out was delay of the roll-up operations.
Initially, personnel from H&N whose dosage records indicated that they were
near the limits of 3.9 r were flown out to Bikini to remove them from the
contaminated area. Generally, people in this category were urgently required
for roll-up, Accordingly, the maximum permissible exposure for the operation was raised to 7 r. This allowed roll-up to proceed without further delay.
On the average, the dosage received by any one individual on Eniwetok
or Parry islands as a result of the fall-out varied from 2 to 3.5 r, depending on the length of stay of the individual and the type of work in which he
was engaged. In general, those working in jobs requiring them to remain
outdoors during working hours were at the upper end of the dosage spread.
During the actual fall-out period, personnel were requested to remain
indoors as much as possible and to take full advantage of shower facilities.
Of interest is the fact that no evidence of gross personnel contamination was
observed as a result of this fall-out.
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Select target paragraph3