was of

po consequence and did not interfere with preparation for the firing

- Survey results at H+4 hr are shown in Fig. 2.7.

2.2.9~Extremely heavy local contamination resulted from the firing of

on Eberiru.

In addition, significant amounts of contamina-

on we
posited on the northern islands of the atoll. Survey results are
shown in Fig. 2.8. Certain recovery operations on Eberiru and adjacent
islands were delayed for several days as a result of the contamination.

2.2.10-In order to fire oT the Mike crater off

-RuvoRY [220




-(Urewe) [5]






Teitetripucchi, a considerable am
of earth-moving was required. This
was necessary because of the need for an unobstructed line-of-sight from
the bunker on Bogon to the shot barge in the crater.



fired on Bogon, it dug a rather large crater and threw up co
e debris
that had to be moved to meet the line-of-sight requirements. Since contamination levels in the Teiteiripucchi-Bogon complex were of the order of 4 to
5 r/br at the time the construction work was required, extra precautions
were necessary to ensure against overexposure of equipment operators. Ac-

cordingly, a cab shielded by 1/2 to 1 in. of lead was built onto one of the

bulldozers. This bulidozer was used in most of the work of moving the contaminated sand and operators were changed frequently. The highest dosage
received by any one operator was approximately 700 mr after about six hours
of operation of this bull

Firing of the wees: produced exceptionally heavy contami-

nation throughout the upper islands of the atoll. The H+4 hr survey results
are shown in Fig. 2.9. Water in the north end of the lagoon was highly contaminated for a considerable distance from the shot island, and as the ailt
and debris were moved out by the lagoon currents, the contamination spread
widely. Two days after the shot was fired, the swimming beach at Japtan
had to be closed, since the water~contamination level had exceeded the established tolerance of 50,000 disintegrations per minute per Hter. Three
days after firing, the beaches on Eniwetok and Parry islands were also

closed. The beach on Parry Island was closed for two days; the other two,
for approximately seven.
2.2.11—Decision to tive: the Mike crater off Teitetricchi was based
part on the co:
tion levels resulting from the
a Information regarding this contamination was obtained
ough special radiological surveys by helicopter and T-boat of the crater
area and adjacent islands. The contamination
reas did not, how-

ever, interfere with preparations for laand although its
detonation produced heavy contamination in

{+4 hr,

the northern islands of the atoll

(see Fig. 2.10), the radiation levels did not materially interfere with recovery operations. Water contamination from radioactive silt and debris

was heavy along the north and west reefs.

- 21 -

Select target paragraph3