2.2.2- Theierice fired on Aomon, produced contamina-

tion only in the shot area on the island.
nium) contamination were found.

Significant amounts of alpha (pluto-

Figure 2.2 shows the H+4 hr survey results.

Because of this plutonium contamination, added precautions were taken in
persons retu
from recovery operations, The tower site

ee Aomon was not materially affected, however.






2.2.3- Toefred on Runit in the vicinity of the airstrip,
produced heavy c
tion only on the shot island. Survey results at H+4
hr-are shown in Fig. 2.3. Islands north of Runit in the atoll were but slightly
contaminated and no interference with preparations for other shots resulted.

Bulldozing operations were carried out on Runit in the iiBtower area in
order to reduce exposures to an acceptable level for personnel requiring access to this
produced extremely heavy contamination on the Teitetripucchi-Bogon complex. Survey results are shown in Fig. 2.4. Certain
recovery missions requiring entry on the south end of Teiteiripucchi were
held up for approximately two days. Entry into the bunker on Bogon by
helicopter was not materially affected

2.2.5—Heavy contamination ifred on central Runit,

was limited primarily to the shot


However, the photo tower on Mack

was highly contaminated from the fall-out. The contamination on Mack was
reduced to some extent by local rain showers; in general, this contamination
complicated preparations for other shots, since it made full protective clothing mandatory for any operations in the tower. Survey results at H+4 hr
are shown in Fig. 2.5.

2.2.6 Theorice was fired on Aomon and resulted

only in heavy local con
tion. Tower sites for the
device on
Eberiru and the [device on Rujoru were not materially affected. Survey
results are shown in Fig. 2.6.

Significant alpha (plutonium) contamination

resulted from the shot, requiring the establishment of a special check point
and personnel-decontamination facilities on the south end of Aomon in order

to facilitate recovery operations.

During these operations extreme precau-

tions were necessary, and certain of the operations required the use of supplied-air breathing apparatus by welders, as for example, when cutting torches
were used on pi
air-dropped and detonated at 700 ft over
central Runit, produced no significant contamination. The pre-entry survey
showed that no detailed survey was required and that recovery operations
could proceed with
22. aw on Rujoru, produced heavy local contamination on the shot is
. Contamination on the adjacent island of Eberiru

- 15 -

Select target paragraph3