


From this point on the discussion concerned ovtlining plans for a future
survey designed for the purpose of determining repopulation plans and

the countermeasures needed,

A primary part of this resurvey would be

a comprehensive external radiation survey. This involves a competent
health physicist*® to be named by the Division of Operational Safety to
plan and conduct a program of external gamma readings in transects
across the two main islands.

A DBM contractor-Laboratory of Radiation

Ecology, the University of Washington, Seattle, would provide Ed Held
who would collect some soil samples on the two main islands to correlate
with the radiation survey.

More terrestrial food samples, where avail-

able, also would be taken. In order to accomplish this work on the
Islands of Bikini and Enyu, it will require a team with machetes to
hack their way through the thick underbrush across the islands for each
of these profiles. To ease access to the entire islands, it may be helpful
to clear away along the now practically overgrown roads which run lengthwise more or less down the middle of the Islands. Dr. Conard agreed
that he would at the time of his trip to Rongelap recruit some four
sturdy Rongelapese to help carry out this work. Mr. Milner agreed to
seek Trust Territory specialists to go along with the group, one knowledgeable in agricultural practices as well as the food habits of the

Bikini people, and the other an anthropologist.

He would make a real

effort to entice Professor Mason of the Department of Anthropology,

University of Hawaii, to accompany the group. Dr. Harley, HASL, offered
any assistance he could give to the study. Dr. Gordon Dunning*® and his
people from DOS indicated they would assume the responsibility for

developing a meaningful pattern of external gamma monitoring which might
- even include the placing out some fixed radiation dosimeters in strategic
points for the several weeks' period. It was felt that it was particularly
important to get information on that area of Bikini Island which had
been occupied by the original commmnity and which likely would be the
village site again.
So far as this next go-round it would appear that it will not be excessively
expensive and DBM will not have to ask for additional funds to defray
the costs, It may well be that the most practical approach from the
standpoint of planning would be to return one group of volunteers from

Kili to Enyu to relieve the over-population problem at Kili. These
people could help in undertaking rehabilitation of the Island of Bikini
to receive the rest. As to Bikini itself it may be necessary to plow
under several inches of soil or bulldoze off the top inch of the two

islands in the entire areas where the new commnity would be established.
This is to be expected to reduce very greatly the external exposure to
those living in the community on a more or less 24-hour basis such as the
womenand small children. Unless they had totally forgotten how to fish

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