£\A F US BOE ARCHIVES 4% ot ' 996 U.S. ATOMIC EXERGY “ Vantin _ i “Lb g oder ; D/7? 4 oe . s. 222 " 1015192 ~ e NOV 4 jor: “(5 _- A BL E 2, LO L E32 Ga F me Sexi 2 Tiny COMMISSION "4 4 This document ernstes 9 —f_. ATION cancers?23a, Pb AUTHORITY: BOE.mee wi wc poate si5/87 Monerable tebert Lakaren Chairmen, Wilitary Liaison Cennities te the Atemle inergy Commission bear kr. Iterwa: = BEST AVAILABLE COPY Reference is mace tc your istter ef Ostever Li, 195) whieh informed the Atemie Luergy coaziasion that the Secretary af Lefense had given tecemter 15, 1953.) authority aad responsibilities effesetive tris is is coneréance with Faragreph 1, C, (27), 27. 1951, out fost “irgeniaation fer HiUlitery Participation in Putare Atemic bearens Tests.® ee alse proposes Ghat Deeenber 15, 1953 mark the etart ef the epsratianal phase of CiSTi5. | Your esneurrencs in the Shove propesals is requested. Sinearely yours, GREENBERG: bm 1AZ2A: - Addressee 3A: ha: Chairman Secretariat DMA/MIC File as DtiA Reader lewis i. Arauss / alg 1B: 2B: Gen. Clarkson, CJTF-7 Mr. Tyler, Mgres SFO Chsiraee Sapte mates =) BB~Dry-Bradburys'Dir«1BASI 7A: TG Reader Reference; , . 11-l-53 and forwarded to General Manager Sa: 6A: : Four copies series "Pp" made . es DMA #3-10,711 ; HM SRVcp: \ #13536 = AEC isu eros MATIWLOuthrie!MA:ae MA: JLArmstrong be. lls 2 -53 eo, Ge. MA:KEFields 11-99 -53__ Dr.--Yorks UGRL-.: ‘iinthe vo. eo. aReeea rized