







~6of many of the islanders, or because the further tests would
themselves involve appreciable additional radiation, or specialized
linear scanning equipment which is not available in many centres.
On the three additional points on which the Committee requests

comment :

1. It is inevitably difficult to assess the likelihood that
further tests, after the return of the Rongelapese and Utirikese, might
“have added substantially to their radiation exposure, if only because
this assessment would depend upon the detailed planning arrangements
laid down for conducting these tests in the light of current meteorological reports, height and power of detonation, fission/fusion yield, etc.
In retrospect, however, the measurements of background radiation and

body burden of radionuclides appear to indicate that in fact the amount
of whole body radiation was little increased, probably by less than 3%
of that initially received, following the return, either from a raised

background or from subsequent tests.

The percentage increase in thyroid

radiation is likely to have been even smaller.

I have not attempted to

make any exact determination of this increase, but the above estimate
shows that the decision did not increase substantially the exvosures

The team's general medical examinations, both of the exposed

people and of the unexposed people attending "sick call" illustrated the
value that periodic medical examinations always have for people living
in relatively fsolated small communities in any part of the world.

present practice and development of periodic medical visits to the


Marshallese and other islands is thus of obvious importance in detection

and treatment of chronic illnesses.

I was impressed however by the

frequency of recent or "acute" illnesses or minor epidemics, the manage-

ment of some of which would be beyond the facilities of Health Aides.
This point is not strictly within my remit as your consultant. I wondered
however whether the development of simple and reliable radio links, and
appropriate arrangements for discussion when necessary between dispensaries
and nospitals in the area, might not give help which could be economically
practicable and rapidly introduced, and which would not anly allow discus-

Sion of difficult problems, but mig'it also provide a valuable form of
continuing training and stimulus, particularly for Health Aides in the more

isolated situations. I appreciate, however, tne problems of supplving and
maintaining equipment, and of implementing advice that might be given hy
hospitals, and that questions of this type will certainly have been
reviewed already by your Congress.


I cannot comment as an expert on the purely physical estimate of

external radiation exposure or the data from which they are derived.

Tnese dose estimates, however, appear to have been reliably based on
early and subsequent readings, on conventional calculations as to the
decrease in fallout radioactivity with time, and on reasonable estimates

Select target paragraph3