Chief of Naval Operations
Department of the Navy
Dear Sir:

This is in answer to your letter of 5 January 1953, OPe365/

CJL, Ser: 00582P36, subject: "Danger Area for Overation


As you have recommended, the Atomic Energy Commission will
request the Department of State to inform the United-Nations
Security Council that Bikini and its territorial waters cone

stitute a closed aree,


We mw believe it desirable, however,

to withhold this request until a more appropriate later time,
Until this action is taken, and the information on Atomic
Energy Commission activities at Bikini is officially released
by collateral action, information on these activities in general is classified as Restricted, Security Information, Spe_ cific questions, of course, may bear higher or lower classi-~

As to establishment of a Danger Area around Bikini, at the

time when it is decided to proceed with the closure of the
territorial weters, we will inform you of that, fact and request you then act to institute the Danger Area,

Meanwhile, however, we would like to reach an agreement as to
the size of the Danger Area sc that action may proceed exneditiously when requested. It is therefore recommended that the
eastern boundary of the Danzer Area outlined by CINCPAC be

moved westward from 166°28' to 166°16' east longitude so as
to exclude Ailingnae Island,

Exclusion of this island from

the danger area has been strongly urged by the Trust Territoy
Goverrmment and the Denartment cf the Interior beceuse its use is
esservial tw the subsistence of the Ronzelap
netives, Other
wise we concur with the proposed dimensions of the Danzer Area
ani the ections you propose,
DOR 2°

We would appreciate your comments on this recommended chanze.
Sincerely yours







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Encl, 10


General Manager

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