







Weight of sample was 0.35 gu.

was approximately 68,

The count per mimteper gran

To check the washing method for the

purpose of determining if the above count or part of it was due to
particles adhering to the alga a second sample was placed in the
same aquaria and covered with Bikini mad for ten minutes,
sample was washed as above and counted.

Sample weight was 0038 gM

The count per minute per gram was approximately 19.
that the washing wothod was inadequate.

April 23rd.


This indicated

The alga wasreplaced on

A count will be made later with a special effort to

lecate the source of activity.

Another experiment was started April lst in aquariums §5 and #6,
Some coral samples brought back from Bikint in 1947 were radioactive
principelly because of an ofl scum adhering to the coral,


uncorrected for geometry which was about 15%, of coral without the
oil scum was about 3 per minute for a 2 gram sample.

A sinilar

sise sample coated on one surface with ofl seum had a count of 2800
per minute.

Pieces of the ceral with the oil scum were chipped off

and used to pave the bottom of aquarium #5. A thin coating of sand was
added but no more than enough than the fish would seatter as it
rested on the bottom.

Thus the oil scum was in contact with the

underside of the fish at all times except

when the fish was moving,

The reading on the Victoreen survey meter placed in aquarium #5 before
water was added was as high aa 17 on the 1 scale which is roughly
translated to 12 r per day.

A S ml. sample of water on April 6th

gave no count above background.

The fish in this agqnarium has fed

regularly from beginning of sxperiment te the present (May 3rd),
Aquarium #6 was set up as a control and duplicated #5 except that


Select target paragraph3