Maj. Gen. Edward B. Giller, USAF



MAR 15 1971

Some 46 individuals are living on the Island of Eneu at this

Approximately 30 are women and children, comprising

family members of the 16 workers employed there.

It is my strong opinion that because of the critical and sensitive
nature of the radiological situation at Bikini, a continued monitoring program is absolutely mandatory.
I further feel that this program

should be conducted within the AEC family as far as practical.


two contractors that have been conducting this program in the past are

most qualified to continue it, and the survey serves ideally to

exercise their field resources and to further their program of radiological uptake studies which they do as a part of readiness.

Since DOS is not expected to budget for Bikini surveys until FY-73,

I feel that it is urgent that work be continued during the interim

under the arrangements that have been followed in the past.


survey can be done in FY-72 for an incremental cost of about $20K for
field support, recognizing our plan to retain the basic contractor

resources under the Readiness Program at a total of about $105K.


am, therefore, going ahead with arrangements to field a survey in July
of 1971 using the NVOO Agencies which have performed the work in past
years (University of Washington Laboratory of Radiation Ecology and
the Southwestern Radiological Health Laboratory of the EPA).
I would appreciate your concurrence.

Robert E. Mi 7
Ad Hoc Comm. Report

aie 5

cc w/o encl:

B. Biles, Dir., DOS, HQ
B. Hills, PASO, Honolulu

D. Smith, Jr., A/M E&L, NV
R: Cooper, A/M P&B, NV

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