may be seen that the earlier upper bound estimate for the

people returning to the souther islands of 0.05 added
cancers above the 41 cases expected from other causes
(page 30)

is increased only to 0.09 added cases.


the upper bound estimate for the people returning to Enjebi
of 0.66 case added to the normally expected 27 cases
is changed to 0.99 case.

We emphasize,



these are upper bound estimates, that the actual risk is
probably smaller,

and may actually be zero.

Conclusion. _We have reexamined our earlier Enewetak
health effects estimates in the light of more recent
dose and cancer risk coefficient estimates,
still small.

find the risks

We note that our revised estimates remain

in remarkably good agreement with those provided by the

We still conclude that it is entirely possible

that the radiation exposures of the Enewetak people
resulting from return of the dri-Enewetak to the southern

islands and the dri-Enjebi to their home "will never result
in even a single case of disease among either the returning
population of their descendents."

Select target paragraph3