Trip Report


The two-26 foot barges built by U.S. Oceanography would be of no
use on Utirik because at low tide a whaler could still not get
there under power were they to be set up on the beach as a floating dock.
On Rongelap the whaler literally can be beached at any tide
(also at Utirik at high tide) and people can get in whalers easily,
except for the very few who can be, and were, helped in and seated
immediately for the short gentle trip to the boat,
To place barges
at Rongelap would serve as no improvement to the system as they would
only afford a long, slightly rocking platform which would be very
hard for the elderly, obese or crippled to traverse, and they
would still have to climb down up to 30 inches into a whaler.

The DOE should seek means to secure two house trailers (Federal
excess) one for Majuro and one for Ebeye to be used as living

quarters for outpatients and escorts from Rongelap and Utirik,
who are covered under the DOE/TTPI travel, treatment and subsistence





It should be made clear to Utirik people why I.D. cards were issued

to at leasttwo unexposed persons who were

not to others allegedly

then operated on, and

(see record of Utirik meeting)

in similar

The problem of people who complained to Dr. Iaman that they were
not being treated should be addressed.

All medical referrals and escorts should be advised by the Party
Chief as to whether or not they are entitled to per diem under

the DOE/TTPI agreement at the time they are given the referral



A_select Interagency Group should review the BNL findings over the
past 25 years, evaluate the present program as to what services


are provided and in what manner,

and when and then recommend

a future course of U.S. Government action for at least the next
20 years,


The Interagency Group might include representatives from:







Selected "outside" individuals such as those on the so~calied
BAIR Committee who advise DOE on Marshalls matters



Department of Interior


U.S. Of>ice of Micronesian States

Vo .os

Select target paragraph3