Trip Report


On Friday morning we prepared to leave.
We left off three drums of
diesel fuel for the Council so they could operate the old AEC generator.
I also had a private talk with the Magistrate and asked him to give
me an evaluation of the program and they are as follows:


While he said there was very little problem, he still liked the
idea of a ship which could beach,
BNL pays stevedores only $1.00 per hour and also pays the Magistrate
$1.00 per hour for rounding up patients.
Without sayingsoin so
many words it was obvious that he felt that his work was worth more

than the stevedores.
(Shortly thereafter Dr, Pratt paid him
$70.00 which represented $2.00 per hour for his work.
He wanted to know about the agreements with the landowners for
the use of land where DOE trailers are.
Wanted USDA food as long as the northern islands are restricted
for food gathering purposes.
Felt that medical team and ship's crew did a good job.
He wants the old kitchen trailer turned over to the people if we
have no more use for it.
We got underway at 1:30p with all in good spirits.
Bill Scott said
that to see 125 people on Utirik would be the maximum we could expect
(40+ exposed).





On Saturday, February 10, 1:00pm, we were met at the Utirik pass by a
boat with Magistrate Ijuniang and several others.
We gave them a large
wahoo we had caught.
We lowered a whaler into the water and took
with us one of the Marshallese as a guide.
We had made the pass
I was on the bridge and the radar, fathometer,

Select target paragraph3