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Project11.2 - CLOUD SAMPLING
(H. Plank)
Aircraft Sampling





As was done SEED2>0-0xinatery
a half effort sampling



mission was attempted SES in order to mee
to sample JEM within a short time J

requirement of being able
It was again attempted

to collect the same total amount of cloud debris as on a full-scale effort

by doubling the in-cloud gamma radiation exposures for the single F-8hG aircraft which replaced a pair.

As seen in Table 11.2-1, the results of this

approach were approximately the soo Only Red 1 and


white 1 were able to increase their collection significantly over normal. -


The periodicity of Red 1, white 1, and Blue 1 in having large
samples relative to the other F-8hG aircraft is a reflection of the arclike shape assumed by the cloud as a result of wind shear and the masking
* of the primary cloud material by natural water vapor cloud.

The above three

aircraft were successively vectored to the same side of the cloud and exa perienced less gamma radiation shine from cloud layers in which they were

“* not flying than did the others. Because of the shape of the bomb cloud
"and the associated vapor cloud it was difficult to find a position for the
Contre) B=36 which was equally advantageous to all sampling aircraft.

Radiation intensities observed by the sampling aircraft wre, in
eeneral, lower than those found on other shots at corresponding tires after
: “ust,

The reason for this appears to be excessive wind shear at all

Sampling altitudes as well as the difficulty of finding primary cloud to

> Fy within,


Study of the spectral distribution of gamma photons within th
* Sloud was continued but the dagga
been analysed.







Select target paragraph3