~3retardation in the children.


the continued development of thyroid

nodularities causes us to question the efficacy of the treatment in preventing
the development of such nodularities.
Several years ago the Ailingnae group
were also included in the treatment program.

Development of hypothyroidism
During the past several years, with the development of more

sensitive tests of thyroid function

(RAI for Ty, TSH, T3, TSH and TRH stimulation

tests) extensive examinations of the exposed Rongelap people have indicated
that some of them without thyroid nodules are developing hypothyroidism.
are at least 4 people definitely in this category, but there are 6-8 more
who have suggestive findings in this regard.

Leukemia and other malignancies

In 1972 a young, exposed Rongelap man died of acute myelogenous
One death also occurred in an exposed Rongelap man due to cancer
of the stomach.
These are the only two deaths in the exposed Marshallese that
may be related to radiation exposure.

Other diseases

Middle-age onset diabetes is very common in the Marshallese and
presents a very serious problem.
The BNL medical team has been studying
this disease in order to advise the Trust Territory concerning the best
Intestinal parasitism is prevalent throughout the islands and an
evaluation and successful treatment program has been instituted for Rongelap
and Utirik Atolls.
Many other diseases are also treated by the doctors on
their visits to the Islands.

Radiological monitoringofpersonnel

Continued evaluation of body burdens of personnel living on Rongelap and
Utirik were carried out by gamma spectrographic analysis (whole body counting)
of personnel and by radiochemical urinalysis.
Body burdens have been well
below the established maximum permissible levels and the slight exposure received
by the people is believed to be far below levels that would produce detectable


Measures by AEC/DOE to Aid Exposed People of Rongelap and Utirik

Medical Program

Annual medical examinations - with donation of time and effort

by medical specialists from the U.S.

Past 6 years establishment of Resident Physician in the Islands
and recently a Marshallese nurse.


Expanded health care program since 1972, examining everyone on

Rongelap and Utirik

(including children) and supplemented with quarterly

Select target paragraph3