SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIFS of the RONGELAP FIELD TRI® of August 1953 The second field for the Kongelap ecology -crogram was from 13 to 24 August end on 2 September 1958. The field party was mude un of five senior scientiste from the Leboratory of Rediation Etology, School of Forestry, Devartment of Botany and Zcclogy, University of Weshington end six creduate students (five University of Washington and one Ohio ftete University). The ecological studies included: ) } soifl tynes and charectertatics ground vater percolation (by use of lysimeters) nutrient content and deficiencies of soils and ‘lants (by lysis end fertilization) taxonony and cistrtbution of algae collection of fish and observation of hébits in various Qj ) ) collection of corals for taxcnomic studies Jimeted collections of native rsts ll) observations end collections of birds edlection and observation of hebits of some invertebrates limited collections of plankton and bottom samples from 12) A weether station wee eatsblished nesr the village on the lésoon Ronge lap islend. In sddition food ftems were collected and bacxground radia- tion levels 4etermined with survey-type inetrusents. <4 dsily raticn of food crown &t Fengelsp was obtained frmm each of fourteen edults. Background rediation levels at Fongelar étoll in Merch snd August 1955 in mr/hr vere: Rongeles Island 3.029 -- 0,953 Tntiszetok Tglend Kehelle Island 1,067 -- J.07€ 9.14 -- 0.16 The vresenceW135 in plant leaf and slankton samples indicates same contamtne tion Prom the recent teat serirs.