ATI far" /;” hy , A, ca "4, . . . a Jf‘ tay ar tater “ a a 3 te, ¥. cH ? 1 Depesriment of Eneray | tS 20D45 Weshington, D.C. 410088 . % . \ Enewetak Advisory Committee Member yo" During the meeting at LLL on June 7, 1978, Hal Hollister solicited the Comnittee's opinions regarding the "13 Atoll Survey Plan". Bill Bair has agreed the current version of the survey plan should be sent directly to the membership and asks that comments be provided to him by July 12, 1978. A cover letter from Hal Hollister wil] follow. = | [een Mra BEST COPY AVAILABLE Tommy F. McCraw uly 2, 1978 Derr Bitl. made. “Wwe dh tert fhe “Plan” Qeves& owk or ace seloy ur\\ “\ lox eT “Gy veger ding OM, , enrli bections . pnw ch rho sits Aha “ gh regest losing XH jm cant Brew eTH ekgeri ect, 4 1 he “Tag” Tay ks Serny We eute y- oe weswl wate Vek v.‘p a F r ~~: \ netgea Guc watals ? Gre ow, Aw "i . eget ComaninTS Hur god aid Bs a QD CraQev — Beever \S cow “a mv bax =