
Destruction by chemical explosion,
Post operational additives, and if necessary, core design changes to assist in core disposal.


Destruction by nuclear explosion,


Work planned, completed, or in progress at the LASL dealing with this type of disposal problem include:

A careful evaluation of whether the present stringent disposal requirements can be modified.

A second important consideration which requires immediate attention is the evaluation of launch pad
hazards during nuclear rocket tests.
The following program either in progress or planned at the LASL should contribute to the solution of
this problem:

A series of deliberate destructive excursions,

These will probably consist of one or more of the

following core experiments:
(a) Water flooding
(b) Abnormal liquid hydrogen flow conditions

Sudden coolant shut off after full power operation

(d) Abnormal control rod insertions
Nondestruct excursions to assist in evaluating which destruct excursions should be performed, and

Dose and dose rate measurements during an excursion.


Fallout measurements after an excursion.
Radiation source characteristics as a function of time during an excursion,



in providing basic reactor response information,

Experimental and theoretical criticality and transient studies such as:

(a) External reflector effects
(b) Critical mass and radius determinations which might be created by an accidental core drop
(c) Effects of hydrogen additions to the core

Control rod effects

The behavior of fuel elements both structurally and with respect to fission product release under
abnormally high temperature conditions.
Operational reliability studies.
Theoretical radiation environmental studies.

Refinements in fallout and air contamination determinations.


Fission product leaching from used fuel elements.

Of particular interest to this meeting would be a knowledge of the time rate of release of fission products
and their dispersion in space for both normal and abnormal operating conditions,

This information is not

known at the present time, and must await (1) measurements to determine the characteristics of the final fuel
elements, and (2) a choice of the most feasible method for the destruction and dispersion of the core and
associated components on re-entry,


Select target paragraph3