CONTENTS The table of contents for Part I reflects the entire agenda of the Symposium; applicable notations indicate classified papers to be found in Part II (SCR-421). The table of contents for Part II lists only the classified portions of the Proceedings. Page FOREWORD . ... ee 2 a 2 ADDRESS OF WELCOME ., ., . . . . . 0.0 hw ee ee C. F. Quate, Vice President, Research, Sandia Corporation took lee 7 PURPOSES OF THE MEETING oe kk ek J. 4. Holland, Chief, Fallout Studies Branch, Division of Biology and Medicine, AEC kk kk oe lw 9 AGENDA OF THE SYMPOSIUM an oe lee 13 ele le 17 woe ee 17 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I. . ee we ., ., ., DEBRIS DISPERSAL COMPUTATIONS J. R. (A) Banister, presiding eee a . . . . . . . ., . . . .).0 The Fali of Small Particles or Heavy Molecules Through the Upper Atmosphere . 2. 2. - 1 1 ew eee H. L. Davis,* J. R. Banister, Sandia Laboratory hh le el (B) Atmospheric Fallout from an Extra-Atmospheric Nuclear Explosiont J. F. Ahearne, J. A. Welch, * Air Force Special Weapons Center Il. METEOROLOGICAL FORCES L. B. Smith, presiding . 2... ww ke ee 25 . , lee 25 . . 41 . . 47 . ee, . 39 Rocket Detonations as Determined in the High-Altitude Sampling Program . . . . . 2 we ee ek - - 595 (A) Atmospheric Tracers Above 100,000 Feet L. Machta,” R. J. List, . . . toe U. S. Weather Bureau (B) Effects of Large Diurnal Density Changes on Outer Atmosphere Circulation 2... ww ee H. W. Church, Sandia Laboratory (C) A High-Altitude Wind Observation From Nuclear Explosion 'Teak" J. W. Reed, Sandia Laboratory Ill, DEBRIS MEASUREMENTS AND INTERPRETATION. T. B. Cook, presiding (A) -- . . . 2. The Behavior of Nuclear Debris from the Upper Atmosphere J. P. Friend, Isotopes, Incorporated * Speaker presenting the paper. Tolassified paper, published separately in Part II, SCR-421,