design a rocket-borne sampler.

We also have at least three lines of development underway, which will not be

reported here, to extend balloon sampling capabilities more nearly to the limit of balloon altitudes, that is,
130, 000 to 140,000 feet.

These involve cryogenic adsorption, electrostatic precipitation, and thermal pre-

It should also be mentioned that rocket-borne filter devices for close-in cloud sampling were used

in Operations Plumbbob and Hardtack.

Now in 1961 we are confronted with a rapidly advancing program of development of nuclear power for
rockets and satellites.

True, the amounts of radioactivity likely to be introduced into the high atmosphere

from these sources in the next decade are minute by weapons-test standards,

But the acceptable levels of

contamination over the world are not to be judged by comparison with weapons test fallout.

As Dr. Quate

pointed out, just what levels will be considered acceptable may depend in part on the confidence of the public
in the quality of our information,
successful, will grow.

Furthermore, these are peacetime programs, new programs, which, if

The ultimate limits on them may well be determined by the levels of atmospheric

contamination which they create,

If we are to have a capability for observing and studying the patterns of

distribution and transport of debris from such sources when they become real some years from now, we must
start now to develop the techniques.

The job will be very difficult and we cannot hope to be ready if we wait

until the last minute,

With this in mind, the Division of Biology and Medicine, through the Division of Military Application, has
asked the Sandia Corporation to prepare a proposal for a complete program of research on high altitude radioactivity.

This is to include a feasibility study, and depending on the outcome of this, the outline of a sampling

and analysis program, development of sampler design specifications, design and procurement of samplers and
vehicles, operation of sampling flights, supervision of sample analysis, collateral meteorological studies and
measurements, and interpretation and reporting of results.

As you will see, the array of talents at Sandia

applicable to these problems is impressive.
As a first step, it was suggested that an information meeting be held,

It should now be clear why this

meeting is held at this location,
The broad questions to which we hope to address ourselves at this meeting are:
(1) What requirements exist for obtaining information on radioactivity or particulate matter above roughly
100, 000 feet? This should include practical needs such as ours or military needs as well as purely scientific
values to be gained,
(2) What is known or can be predicted and what is unknown about the radioactivity of the high atmosphere
and about the atmospheric dynamics which would determine the life history of particulate material introduced
at high altitudes?
(3) What is the state of the technology for collecting and analyzing samples at altitudes above balloon

Consideration of direct observation in situ should not be overlooked.

It should be emphasized that the Division of Biology and Medicine has as yet made no commitment to
any program in this field.


We have asked for funds in Fiscal Year 1962 which would permit a modest start

Select target paragraph3