of its high-collection efficiency, especially for low values of K, was selected as the blade shape for rotating

impactor experiments.

The theoretical flow conditions of the analogue trajectory studies are quite different

from those which may be encountered in actual sampling.

However, reported experiments * using a suspension

of 0.365 micron polystyrene spheres indicated general agreement with the predicted values.

At 50 millibars

pressure, where the outer 1-1/2 inches of the 4-1/2 inch rotating blade array was operating at an impaction
parameter, K, greater than 0.2, a collection efficiency of 73 percent was measured.
work can produce an array with higher efficiency and considerably reduced drag.

It is expected that further

This is especially noteworthy

since the actual impactors will operate in the partial slip flow region with a mach numberclose to unity in the

The focusing impactor shown starts to choke at a mach numberof close to 0.2 and so should be im-

proved for any final design.

Difficulties have been experienced with rotary impactors when each impactor oper-

ates in the wake of the preceeding one.
with the rotorchute device.

But, owing to the long spacing of the spiral, this should not be a problem

To maximize sample size it is necessary to operate several impactors in parallel.

Although the proposed rotorchute system will permit separation of the impactors, the general problem of parallel operation must be investigated before an optimum impactor design can be developed.

This problem does not

materially affect the feasibility of the system.
In the region of interest the mean-free path of the air molecules is larger than the particle diameter with
the result that the Cunningham Correction factor, ky in Equation (2) will reach very large values.

This is

advantageous since it permits the collection of small particles at low air velocities using large impactor surfaces.

It appears that the Cunningham Correction factor can be used up to the region where the mean-free path

approaches the impactor dimension.

This occurs around 250, 000 feet with impactors sized for 100, 000 feet,

and above 400, 000 feet for impactors sized for 200,000 feet. This is above the maximum altitude considered in
this study.
The minimum value for the inertia parameter in the sample design calculation is taken as K = 0.2 which
corresponds to a collection efficiency of over 80 percent.
remain constant.
the impactor size,

To maintain a constant collection efficiency, K must

The velocity of the air relative to the blade Vp is a function of blade radius r.

By making

also a function of radius, the radius cancels in Equations (2) and the inertia parameter

becomes a constant over the entire length.

Substitution into Equation (2) for pressure and Cunningham Cor-

rection factor as a function of height gives for the minimum particle size collected at 80 percent efficiency as a
function of the maximum half-size of the focusing impactor array and altitude the relation

10.6 LYmax H/25, 700


This is plotted in Figure 3, which shows that the minimum particle size increases rapidly as the collector descends.

Therefore, the lowest altitude of interest, 100, 000 feet in the design calculation, sets the size of the


The maximum impactor size,

Lax? at the tip of the rotorchute is shown for various altitude incre-

ments of interest.

The weight of air sampled as a function of altitude is equal to the volume of air swept out by the impactor
array times the density of the air integrated over the altitude range sampled.

The volume of air is equal to the

volume per revolution times the revolutions per second times the vertical distance the rotorchute travels divided by the velocity of descent.

Using a constant tip speed of 700 ft/sec and the velocity of descent from

Equation (1), gives a sample size which is proportional to the integral of the air density to the 3/2 power.


Select target paragraph3