~3the development of isotopic power sources

for artificial hearts and cardiac

The March meeting will take place in Berkeley, and the bio-medical program
there was reviewed briefly by Drs. Barr, Burr, and Rabson.
Dr. Dunham
indicated that it might be well for the ACBM to give some attention to the
clinical investigations, the occupational health program, the internal emitter
and neutron dosimetry programs, and the relation of teaching to research at the
Donner Laboratory.
He also suggested they keep in mind the question as to
whether it was now appropriate for the AEC to provide 90% of Dr. Calvin's
research support.
Dr. Dunham briefed the Committee
these were 1) the present status of
2) the possible availability of the
Professor Rossi's neutron dosimetry

on items of general interest.
the proposed DBM budget for FY 1968,
Brookhaven Cosmitron injector for
program, 3) the operational problems of

the Argonne Janus Reactor, 4) the bio-satellite program, 5) the safety aspects
of resettlement of the natives

on Bikini,


the organization of a committee

on environmental quality by the Office of Science and Technology, and of a
new HEW committee on pollution, 7) the applicability of FDA regulations to
AEC laboratories, 8) the development of a registry of persons with measurable

body burdens of plutonium, 9) the status of Operation Henre, 10) recent

activities in regard to Workmen's Compensation, 11) the Federal Radiation
Council position in regard to hazards in uranium mines, 12) the still unfilled
position of director of the UCLA project, 13) activation of the ACBM
suggestion of a local advisory group for the AEC-UT Agricultural Research
Laboratory and Medical Division of ORINS, ORAU programs which would involve
ORNL, and 14) the development by Anderson of a rotor for processing large
amounts of material for vaccines.
The ACBM was joined by Commissioners Nabrit and Ramey and by Dr. Spofford
English in an executive session at noon on January 13.
This was for the
purpose of considering possible successors to Dr. Dunham.
After some
discussion by the Commissioners of the role envisioned for the DBM,
Dr. English advised the ACBM of the candidates who have been suggested by
various sources.
The Advisory Committee offered some comments about the
various candidates and agreed to consider this matter in greater detail in
its executive session the following day.
The ACBM met in a second executive session on January 14 for further
discussion of possible candidates to succeed Dr. Dunham.
The recommendation
of the ACBM will be transmitted by letter to Dr. English.
(Dr. Cohen was
net present during a part of this discussion since he had been proposed as

a possible candidate.)

Candidates for an E, 0. Lawrence Award were reviewed by the Committee
under the chairmanship of Dr. Cohen.
(Dr. Green was not present}.
following were recommended in order of preference:
John B. Storer,
Mortimer Elkind and George S. Hurst.
The choice bet ween Storer and Elkind
was a difficult one and a strong recommendation will be made that both
receive the award.


Select target paragraph3