TIL ia



(3) They determined’ that the ash recovered from the ves-

sel was radioactive using an end window GM tube and scaler,
Their counting system was not calibrated and they reported

counts per minute with no knowledge of the factor required to

convert their data to standard units.


(4) They completed a qualitative radiochemical analysis

of the ash and reported the following:

Sr89, Y91, Zr95,

1131, 1132, Balto,

Nb95m, Nb95, Rul03, Rul06, Rh106, Sb127, Tel32,

Lal30, Cei4i, celhh, (More recently they have completed a semiquantitative analysis for a few isotopes.)
(5) They had scanned the bodies of the fishermen with a

GM probe,



(6) They had administered a dose of ash to 1 mouse, a8

described earlier.

(7) Using an



itmersion type GM tube, they had: demonstra-

ted radioactivity in the urine of 3 fishermen.

As before, their

equipment was not calibrated and the absolute activity could not

be determined,

With this as the status of their investigation at the time
of my arrival, and following several hours during which I acquainted the Japanese with our experience in this field, I offered

the following services to thems




- (1) Complete radiochemical analysis of 24 hour urine col- -

lections from all patients.
In view of the importance of this
analysis in evaluating the status of the patients, I urged that.
these samples be furnished immediately and assured them that in
one week it would be possible to give them a report for the constituents of principal biological importance, I explained the
the need for serial samples and suggested that collections be

made at weekly intervals.

They seemed anxious to accept this

ACTION: This offer was made on March 24,

eptained urine from two patients,

On March 26 we

On April 1 we obtained urine

from 5 more, We have not obtained urine from the remaining 16
patients despite our repeated attempts to do so,

(2) I offered to scan the fishermen for radiation, using
io Scintimeters that I had available,
ACTION: I have been unable to do this because they have.
not permitted the American team to have access to the patients,

In response to the Japanese request I offered to pro-

vide a report on the biologically significant radioisotopes present
in the ash,



ACTION: Dr, Nekaizumi gave me a small amount of deck sweepings from the Fukuryu Maru. This I have sent to the Health and
Safety Laboratory for future study. The composition of the ash
was actually known to the-Commission from énalyses performed by
the Air Force on the material obtained from the Fukuryu Maru
prior to my visit, Authorization for transmission of this information to the Japanese was communicated to me in telegram No. 2199

Select target paragraph3