K. D. Nichols, General Manager


April 13, 1955

Commission actions


AEC 706/11 - Program for Weapons Materigis -


10. SEC 2/51 - ABC-DOD Storage Operations Agreement -


ll. AEC 532/18 - Stellarator Program - Approved subject to Director of

Research's satisfying himself that Dr. Spitzer will give enough time to the
project. A broad feasibility study for the SHERWCCD progrem is to be conducted.
The Vhairman asked Mr. Johnson to inform Director of Security of
possible leak on SHERWOCD to Well Street Journal reporter..
12. AEC 548/2 - Proposed Unclassified Research st Harwell by Professor R. L.

Guttman - Approved.

Mr. Mitchell is to expedite the staff paper on 57(a)(3)

Other Business

1. Consultation with Private Industries Regarding Exchange of Information
with the U.K. - Mr. Murray's suggestion that you consult with industrial
associations in order to get the most representative group possible was adopted.


&sEC 371/12 - Option in General Electric Contract to Purchase KAPL -


Disarmament Conference -


Statement for Joint Yommittee Hearing - Chairman's statement for

The Commission asked that you explore with interested government agencies the
competitive sale of K4FL.

Mr. English reported on the London Conference.

Friday's Joint Yommittee hearing to be revised end circulated.

5. WIGWAM Statement - The Chairman said DOD had approved the press release.
You may wish to inform the Joint Committee cf this.
oO. Appointment of General Manager - The Chairman said the Army has
agreed-to consider favorably General *ield's request for retirement.

Report on International Conference - Deffered to Monday.

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