
. (TRYST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS Office of the District Administrator,

Community Dgvelopment Office

Box 66, Majuro, Marshall Islands °6960
June 13,1973
Dr.N.F.Barr, Assistant Director


for Measurement and Evaluation

Division of Biomedical and

Environmental Research
United States Apomic unergy Commission
Washington, D.C. 20545

Dear Dr.Barr:
I have found some errata in my letter to you of June 7 which contained agricultural and other data in re Enewetak. They are as follows:
Incorrect spelling:

It should read Morinda citrifolia not Iforinda citrafolia.

It should read Tacca leontepetaloides (one of the most common varieties of
Tacca in the Marshalls) not Tacca penataloides. I should add that Mr.George
Nakanishi, our District Agriculturist, has told me that the most prevalent
and most edible and best variety in the Harshalls is Tacca hawaiiensis. It

has the least amount to toxic material in it. This variety would, logically,

be planted on Enewetak as part of the agricultural rehabilitation of the atoll.

I direct you to ?. Nakanishi for any further specific information concerning

agriculture, including animal husbandry. He is the expert and I am sure that
he will be glad to cooperate with you in answering any questions that you
and your colleagues may have,

The last part of the letter to which I referred should read "....packing in

rolled form in strips of dried pandanus leaf..." and not ".....breadfruit
leaf...." as I wrote.

Some additional information that might be of interest i8 that the Enewetak

People and the Bikini People chewed the tender young aérial roots of pandanus
plants as a thirst quencher when other potable liquids were not available.
These roots (@hoots) are called liuk. The sweet young husks of the coconut
were also chewed for this purpose. These are called kanowe.
As you are undoubtedly aware, the time of maturation and production of trees
and plants, quality and quantity of crops produced may vary from island to

island within a single atoll. This is due to differences in quality of soil,
the amount of ground water present (water lens), and salt Spray conditionse


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