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August 17, 1977


Dr. James L. Liverman
Assistant Administrator
for Environment and Safety
U. S. Energy Research and
Development Administration
Washington, D. C. 20545
Dear Dr. Liverman:


In response to your request of August 11, 1977, plans for the cleanup
of Enewetak Atoll were reviewed at a meeting at the Nevada Operations
Office, August 15-17, 1977. A list of participants in the review is
Prior to the meeting, the reviewers were provided copies of documents
relative to the development of cleanup criteria antipreparation of
the EIS. Supplementing these were briefings by Joe Deal, Tommy
HcCraw, Roger Ray, and members of the Staff of the Defense Nuclear
Agency. Mr. Stevens reviewed the Environmental Impact Statement
and Major General Shedd and Colonel Hemler described operational
plans for soil cleanup and crater disposal. In addition, Mr. M.
Gates, Manager of the Nevada Operations Office, met with the re~ewers
and discuss~d points he raised-in his letter to you.
The retiewers addressed two primary issues:
The criteria for cleanup of the islands contaminated with
The plan for disposal of plutonium contaminated soil and
other radioactivity contaminated debris in the Cactus Crater.
Several other related issues were addressed during the discussion.

Summary of the Reviewers’ conclusions
There was unanimous agreemeut that the criteria for cleanup
of the islands contaminated with plutonium are reasonable in
the light of present knowledge and their application does not
pose an unacceptable health risk.

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