Mrs. Ruth Van Cleve - 3 —_———_———— CONCURRARENCET RYG, SYMBOL (All of the above guidance "...are not intended to apply to radiation exposure resulting from natural background or the purposeful exposure “Ririaceybie. It is apparent in view of the above that arguments on behalf of the Fnewetak people are likely to include: RVG, SYMBOL of patients by practitioners of the healing arts.") 1) That U.S. radiation exposure guidance does not and should not Manica apply to the Enewetak people at Enewetak Atoll, inasmuch as the Enewetak people are not citizens of the United States. poate 2) That even if they do apply, the benefits to be derived to the ATG. SYMBOL Enewetak people by returning to their several home fslands clearly outweighs any potential risk involved should the predicted radiation exposur@inracs7sie. level exceed that of the FRC guides. fae renlt DATE With respect to 1) above, the matter was discussed in deta{] during the August 2 meeting and DOE, DOI, and EPA, together with their respective mre. symeee legal counsel, agreed as to the necessity of determining a U.S. position with respect to the applicability of U.S. radiation exposure guidance in PINITaALS, tC, the Marshall Islands generally and at the Enewetak Atoll specifically, and to determine the extent to which the U.S. has the authority and oATE responsibility to enforce such guidance. Both DOI and EPA agreed that | these issues must scon be resolved, and agreed to be responsible for RTG. SYMBOL providing advice as follows: a Pe a ee ered at a_ A) Determining whether or not FRC guidance is legally applicable B) If the FRC guidance is found to be applicable, determining to the Marshall Islands generally and Enewetak Atoll specifically. whether there {s any discretion as to {ts applicability. C} If the FRC guidance {s found not to be applicable, what other authority, if any, does EPA have to establish guidance for the Marshall Islands? ) RTG. symoon . \cniveacsyses a Bra. syegoe Le ENITIALS/ S$1G. Poare, A} Determine the scope and extent of U.S. authority at Enewetak, = both at present and after the termination of the Trust Territory agreemen$s °°" e.g., does Interior or the United States Government have authority to Loenen a . INITIALS/ prevent people from living on islands of their choosing? What are the respective authorities of the Trust Territory Government and the Marshall |. Islands Government in this area? onre DOE FORM AD-9 (1277) mm OFFICIAL FILE COPY 15 S50, a