Part IV’



term effect of radiation.

it aiso may estadlish the amount of

radiation that causes such retardation and reveal why the ooys
were arfected but not the girls.
If we assembled the same information about people in Nevada
and Utan,

it would be possible to determine if their growtn has

oeen affected by this fallout.

The information is there, but

someone has to get it together.
This Goes not require expensive surveys conducted by spe~

cialists using complex instruments.

As I stated before, it can

De done with simple tools availabie to any doctor and as a part

of examinations that are conducted routinely.
checking reveals deviations from normal,

When routine

then expert help can

pe sought to determine the significance of the deviation.
This is essentially what has been done in the Utah-Arnizona


Locai doctors and health officers examined 3,600 children.

Then tnree thyroid specialists conducted more detailed examinations
of tne 95 suspicious cases that were found.
Even so,

the interpretation of the examination results remain

We probably have enougn information availiable in the

Jccorads of school children to clear up the ambiguity,
‘Lbeiation is not accessicie.


It is not in one place,

put the in~
and it is

Select target paragraph3