
Marshall Island children indicate that radiation may also directly
affect the bones and retard growth by this mechanism.

However, the

two effects are easy to separate because those with hypothyroidism
are sluggish and non-responsive, while the otners are bright,

and active.



Changes in the thyroid induced by radiation also may be a sig-

nificant factor in delaying puberty.

Several cases of late menstru-

ation were found among Marsnall island girls exposed to fallout.’
The most frequent abnormality is the presence of lumps on the

Evidence is strong that these nodules were induced by ra-~
“The Lumps themselves are not dangerous, but they are a

warning sign of changes that may deveiop into Malignancies.Evi~

dence of such malignancies has appeared in five cases and three

Marshallese girls have had their thyroids removed.


People in Nevada and Utah have been exposed to fallout since
the 1950's,

first from tests in the atmosphere and now from radio-

activity that accidentally escapes from underground tests.
Seventy children with thyroid nodules have been Sound in Washington County,


and 25 more

in Granam County,

xesult of examinations conducted last year.



Those in Utah have been

exposec to presumably significant amounts of fallout from U.S. nuclear tests since 1954;

those in Arizona nave not.


According to the

Select target paragraph3