DNA plans to remove the debris, at least.

We need radiological guidance.

DNA/FC is going to the Pacific Ocean Div of the Corps
of Engineers for guidance.

The area of the burial crypt is about 250' x 50', and is
located 28' from steel pile causeway.
The monument is at the center of the crypt.
Markers are at the corners.
There is some question as to the actual area; perhaps the crypt

is as large as 300' x 60'.
Bauchspies and Sanchez:

What guidelines can you give; e.g.,

What material can be left? How do you
measure it?

The crypt presumably contains, among
other things, cut up pieces of the
steel tower from the Kickapoo shot.


Where was the tower placed?
Ferrous metal was placed in the crater.
Nonferrous metal with readings less than 100 »R/hr.
was placed in the lagoon.

Soil clean-up criteria - See 4 below.
Preciseness of 40-80-160 - Can one be over 40 pCi/gm (e.g.,
42, 45, etc.); how flexible are numbers?
“Cover Lujor - Lujor problem solved after the debris was cleaned-up
the surface levels were less than 160 pCi/em.

In removing debris, was the island effectively plowed?

The island has been re-IMPed, but not yet reprofiled.
Preliminary surface readings are below 160 pCi/gm.

4th Category if 160 pCi/gm level cannot be met--pertained to
Lujor and is now irrelevant.

Are levels between 160-~300 pCi/gm useful for anything
other than quarantine?
See (5) above; Lujor now <160.

about individual
Surface hot spots - minimum areas, levels - What
IMP readings?

Select target paragraph3