
Who is doing what?
When things will be done.
All of the problems are interrelated, and it goes back to

McClellan's concern regarding DOE management.


Who advised the Bikinians to return?
(Burger, Totter, John Harley, Paul Tompkins, Conard)
When DNA pulls out the Enewetak people and the Congress

will ask why the people can’t return with restrictions.


No one person is responsible and knows all aspects of the

*Two letters should be written:

Address McClellan's concern about management.


Address the adequacy of the data base and planning activities.


The Desert Research Institute has some of the data base.
We recommended at the Livermore meeting to integrate the data
We also recommended a review of all of the activities of the

Marshall Island participants after January.
Who's working on it?
(No response)

Chet Francis’ review of the plowing experiment.
Everyone anticipated the plowing experiment except Ray.

Deep plowing won't be easy, but it can be done.

plowing has never been shown to increase plant uptake.

There is a dramatic reduction in Am-241 surface levels (e.g., 15-37

pCi/gm going from 0 to 5 cm depth of soil.
readings are 5-18 pCi/gm.

Corresponding IMP

A discussion of the application of this to dose assessment followed,
Pu and other TRU elements are a non-problem via plant uptake.

The real problem is Cs and Sr.

Select target paragraph3