

What should we do this PM about providing advice to Bauchspies?


We should say something, e.g., comment on Jody's averaging

It was agreed that we would provide DNA with a preliminary report, with
qualifications, before we leave. Bair will draft.
It should be pointed out to DNA that this is not a Committee meeting;
three members are not present.
Discussion of the points raised by DNA:
1. a)

Precise adherence to the ANSI standard is not appropriate in
this situation,


There is no point in expending additional effort to reduce the
levels of contamination on the bunkers.


Commend DNA for foresight in cleaning bunker for use in storm.


Commend DNA for strenuous effort to remove contaminated
material from bunkers.


Do we endorse Ray's advice?


Leave anchorblocks as is for future reference unless they
are na igational hazard,

2. Thompson:


McCraw will get a copy of Ray's

The 40-80-160 pCi/gm guidance was not meant to apply

to subsurface concentration levels such as in Aomon crypt.

General discussion that the Group cannot offer guidance at this
time because there is not enough information regarding radionuclides,
quantities, etc., and that information data from dye
studies should be obtained,
3. See (4) below.

4, Reaffirmation of original guidance~-the 40pCi/gm guidance should
be the goal.

5. No longer a problen.
6. See (4) above.
7. When IMP readings (based upon 90% of a 25 meter square area) exceed

40 pCi/gm (or 80 or 160), the area should be cleaned-up.

Select target paragraph3