Health Physics

atolls most mmpacted by the Castle series and the Bravo
test received external doses in the hundredsto over 1,000

mGy, even though the populations of the three most
exposed commumtties (Rongelap Island, Ailingimae, and
Utrik) were evacuated shortly after the test
Our estimates of doses from external irradiation have
been merged with correspondmg estimates of doses from
ternal trradiation, given im a compamion paper (Simon et al

2010b),to assess the cancer risks (Land et al 2010) among the

Marshallese population as a consequence of exposure to
radioactive fallout from the nuclear weaponstests

Acknowledgments—This work was supported by the Intra-Agency agree
mentbetween the NabonalInsbtute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and
the National Cancer Institute, NTATD agreement #¥2 Al $077 and NCT
agreement #Y3-CO S117 Theauthors are mdebted to several mdividuals
whose analyses and research have made substantial contributions to this
work They mclude Wilham Robison for variousdata and publications on
measurements made m the Marshall Islands, Brian Morozfor meteoralag
real analysis and graphic support, Robert Weistack for computer pro
grammmg support, Dunstana Melo for the review of the manuscript, as
well as other scientists who have added to cur understandmg of the
contammation and consequences m the Marshall Islands through ther
scientific publications, many of which are cited here

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Select target paragraph3