~9of nuclear tests, and a failure to resume nuclear weapons tests, with or without

an agreement on control.

In general, the position of the lab is that progress

in the development of nuclear weapons, of the variaties which will be described
in a later section, can proceed only at a very much slower rate if nuclear

weapons tests are not resumed (at least underground) in the near future.


very important kinds of weapons involving really new ideas cannot be developed

at all if no nuclear tests are allowed.

However, the lab considers its function

to be the most rapid development of nuclear weapons under whatever circumstances

may be dictated by national policy."

In a lengthy discussion of the weapons

development and weaponization programs, it is stated that currently, "Just under

1/2 of the direct effort devoted to the program of nuclear devices and warheads
is expended in the weaponization phase,

We expect it will be necessary for this

percentage to grow to rather more than half by Sept. 1960.

testing were not resumed.)

(This would be if

Hopefully the weaponization effort would then become

more efficient and the percentages could be reversed back into a majority in the
development of advanced designs.
Under the major heading of test planning and development, Livermore's assumption
that a resumption of weapons testing will have tests being only underground and

completely contained is noted, with the exception of a later possibility of
outerspace tests.

"An increasing degree of confidence in underground diagnostic

technology has also developed, and a continuing program of theoretical and
experimental work will further increase the reliability and capability of our
diagnostic techniques.

We are continuing the excavation of tunnels at NTS to

provide shot sites for yields up to about 30 kt.

Preparation of specific shot

sites has proceeded up to a point where the next step is scientific construction,
pacticularly installation of diagnostic cables and bunker operating facilities.
During the next two years, if such testing resumes, underground sites for testing
in the 100-200 kiloton range can be constructed and used."

Select target paragraph3