in the fall of 1958.""

Note that planning at this stage for Trumpet includes

some evacuated pipe x-ray measurements underground.

A supplement to the program letter dated 21 March 58 was written after
Teller took over as Director and goes into possible studies, calculations, tests,
and experiments, as well as specific ideas which Livermore has and cannot at
the present pursue due to the limitations on manpower that they have to put on


After going into several pages of what can be done in each of the major

program areas, Teller concludes "The above enumeration clearly indicates that there
is far more useful work to be done than a laboratory of the present size of UCRL
can possibly do in the immediate future,

This poses the difficult and dangerous

problem of choosing the ultimately most useful and desirable ideas from among the
many promising and in some cases unexplored candidates.

We feel that, at least

at the present level. limitations of funds should not be the determining factor

in our ability to pursue some of this work."

The next program letter from Teller following the beginning of the moratorium,

dated 25 March 59, states "It is yet too early to evaluate accurately the effects
of the test moratorium on the Livermore laboratory.

Nor is it possible to predict

how fast the science of nuclear weapons will progress if the limitations are to


New ways are continuing to be explored that will allow weapons technology

to advance even without testing, but it is uncertain

at what reduced rate new

models of weapons can enter production and stockpile once the backlog of current
committments is met.

It is certain that if the moratorium continues, weapons

will proceed at a muchslower pace than that which was achieved in the past two
years when testing was at its peak.

The plans for future weapons development

at Livermore include new techniques and facilities which will, in some small

measure, offset the loss of the testing capability.”

As for test readiness,

Select target paragraph3