~14decoupling shots) are noted.

As for the Vela Uniform program, Livermore

continues to be responsible for the Lollipop shot and certain measurements on
other tests; and in the Vela Hotel program, the Livermore participation depends
on ARPA support for background measurements in space,
Discussion of the weaponization program indicates that there is some

evidence of a decrease in the weaponization workload and that “If the moratorium
on nuclear testing continues, most of the released effort must be devoted to the
more intense and more precise theoretical and experimental work required before

new designs can be certified for stockpile.”
The headings under test planning and development are:

readiness, seismic

improvement program, instrument development, optical instrument development,
technical drilling, and containment studies.

As for readiness, "The field

preparation for the laboratorgs readiness program (Succotash) has essentially

disappeared with the reallocation of the U 12B and U12E tunnels to the seismic
improvement program.

There remains a 30 day capability for 1 safety shot in U12J.

Also, the basic construction has been completed in U12 E07.

No further action

can be planned to increase field (construction) readiness until funds are made


The readiness activities at the lab have continued and will be
The system I diagnostic equipment which was developed in conjunction

with EG&G is complete,

Capability for specialized diagnostic measurements |

will be maintained."
Under the heading of seismic improvement program is the preparation of
instrumentation for the polyethylene yield experiment for determining yield on
certain appropriate events in the Shade and Dribble programs.

is currently scheduled for the first of Aug. 61.

A Lollipop event

Programs addressing the

development of diagnostic and in particular optical instrument techniques and

methods are detailed and a fair amount of attention is being given to telemetering
broad-band information.

Further, the drilling techniques at the NTIS are being

Select target paragraph3