As a service to test participants, and as an initial effort in obtaining medical data, the DoD implemented a pilot medical examination program in March 1979. Individuals with recorded film badge exposures attributable to atmospheric nuclear tests in excess of 25 rem were contacted and offered the opportunity to request medical examinations in Government facilities. The program is now being expanded to include participants in the DESERT ROCK Volunteer Observer Program. cases, Although the volunteer observers did not, receive measurable dosages of radiation, in all they manned positions closer to ground zero at the time of detonation than any other participants and are a logical group for further medical study. According to our records, a volunteer observer and received (number) of time). you were rem during (period While there is no indication that this is a medically significant dose, it does represent a value which may have been in excess of some standards. Therefore, you may wish to avail yourself of this expanded medical examination program. If you wish to have a status report on your health and to assist us in obtaining medical data, you may request a medical examination by calling the nearest medical facility of the Veterans Administration (VA). You may determine the closest facility by referring to Enclosure 1 to this Ea hn ,. ow FO Dw Lk a Ok