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The exposure of individuals to neutrons can be estimated by using computer-

assisted calculational techniques to ascertain the interactions of
neutrons with the environment as they move from the point of detonation
to the locale of interest.

The neutron output of the nuclear device

itself can be determined from calculations made by the DoE weapons
design laboratories,

Additionally, for many of the devices tested,

these calculations of neutron output can be verified by records of

experimental measurements of the neutron fluence at varying distances
from the detonation.

Given the neutron output, computers are used

to model environmental interactions as the neutrons move through the
atmosphere and as they are affected by the ground-air interface.

An example can be cited to show the results of a neutron calculation.
During the preparation for Shot SMOKY, Task Force WARRIOR participants
observed Shot DOPPLER (11 kilotons)
from ground zero,

from trenches about 2900 yards

The neutron fluence in the trenches was calculated,

and application of an average quality factor produced a neutron dose
of 0.23 rem to individuals.

In the special case of the officer volunteers, who were closer to ground

zero at the time of detonation than any other participants, prompt
neutron dosages may have been higher than discussed above.


volunteers participated in Shots NANCY (March 1953), BADGER (April

SIMON (April 1953), and APPLE II

(May 1955)

at ranges of 2,000-2,600 yards from ground zero.

in trenches located

Officer volunteers

also participated in Shot JOHN (July 1957), a low-yield, high-altitude
shot, from an open position on the ground below the detonation.


calculations of neutron exposures to officer volunteers are currently


Select target paragraph3