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sercement In derma of conrervoetive nosele oF there pathvaya and
the relutionships between a certain level in the covireament ond the
likely done te yeavlt frea the pathvay ex porurt,

The arca of piutondun jin sotis, hovever, ye one for hich thcre
fe pp gpenere’ aprecnent es to the quantitative selatsonahs yi vetreen

Jevede in sodir and dornpen to be expected throngh) the inbntution
pothvay, the princry one thresh viteh man chy yeeeive ee tigviticant
Gore from plutoniun.

The ICKP recommender a moximun permines bie

average connentration (MPC) of 1 pleoceric

per evide meter (pos /m')

of afr for "Snpoluple" plutontim and 0.06 yos/n” for "solubie"
plutonium for unrestrseted crepe,

Kodle the plittontwe in the bod

at Inevetoh de thoaght to be typical of world-wide fallout, ond
therefore Snsolubie, ve v5) wre the 0.04% yes fe" value Sor the cohe

of conservatits,


A guide tor apseeting the tnportenre of BK carted» gotl Jeves of Pu

om Enevetak can be errived et by a cet of conservative apprpis can

regarding tie renvapenrion pathvay,

Thies is the “erdtfend® pathruy

bince the inheletion youte to nan de more harerdove than te pod}
root-pathvay fos dpgeetdon oF Jats by man,

There svsyaptions wrecs

Plutoniie gn cos] ip resuspended oat roeter pind dar to the cod)
meterjal, C.fe, the specific petivity of rofl equals the rpecific
setivity of afr pend culaten,.


ALD particler iu air originate Trom Joce) #041,


Plutonium in oir $6 a3) fn the respireldec range of particle pine
and 36 @O0luble

in lung rlotés,

Appendix JT develops everupe difetine exporure Le partiondeter

Sh air by the returning population, coubining the argurnente. Gut Sued
shove vith en cunlysie of edr eoncentreti cnn ond Lint. of-exponw ©

‘* pens pas



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