9, 1976



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urust Tucritery of tho Pacif:
Hr Rorer Rays AYES

UeSe Enemy Researeh and Development Adainistration (ezpa)

Hevada Uperations Office

P.O. Boz 1s3C0

AOL 74


Las Younes Hevada SILLY


Dear Ure Ray:

This letter is from ths chiefs and ell of tho peoole in:Utirik atoll.
Xt has now been tyenty-tio years since the redioective fell-out fren tha bord,

which has disturccd the neacs and volfare fron 195); umidl.the presente
The doctors fron THRA have told us that there vere 1y-reds in Utirik and

175 rads in Rorgelon, therefore, us are very surorized, becsiss in Utdrik ve
havo ten cases of tayroid roceles, threa of witch vere mallenant.


But in fornselss

they have thirty cases of thyroid rodules, end also threa cases of malignancy.
Perhaps you can tell us if there is sone explanacion for tha sane musber of ralipman
thytoid cases it: Rongeiso and Utirik, who recuived very divferent levels of,
Additionally, wa have many nore things to esk, because at pres ext wo ere

we ee ep Ma ee ee ee

not heppy ulth thea way thinss ares

Le Khy is there not a control ero
in Utirik?


.@) The people of Utirik are different fren the people of Eoncel
are a different rene pool end bresding poowlatton

b) the peonlo of Utirik ware exposed to different levels of reclation than
the people of Roncelap—-Utirik hed 14 rads, and Roncelan bad175 roid.

c) Thera were different return tires for the Utirik people and the Forcelas
people fron Evejalein (following their evacuation) in 195!—_-the ceonla
of Utirik returned to their atoll after three ronths, end the peonls
OX Roncelan returced to their aiell after thie years.

d) Would it be correct to say that perioos the Utirik people received more


than only L) reds in Light of their quick return tice to Utirik?

©) Hould it be correct to say that we can ezect meny mere cases of thyroid

prodless in tae ruture?

2. How come the ERDA coctors told us thot there ves just a little bit of radiati
in Utirik and a lot im Rongelap? That isy why sore there the save minter
of melirnent thyroid cluucs in Vidrix as taere are in rongelen?

je Khy is it that the ERDA doctorg do not cxandna the children of
2 ths emposed

Vitirik: group?

he thy is 44 that the ERDA doctors give different treatzent to the people of
Utirl& than the people of Honrelax? Thay do not giva Del) exacinations

to tho peoole of Utirik avery yoer, as they do in Nonselape

kiny not?

S. The people of Utdrik should be able to chooso their ow doctors

&) The people of Uidrik eo not Like Dr. Hmuson because ha does rot
€exartine cll of tho Utirik people, and Looks at the people of Ut


as if they ere neroly eninals in a scdentific experinenty, end further,

he daos not provide a "sick call” for the pcovle.

b) Ths peoplo of Utirik do not like Ia. Conerd because ho Lies to the
‘people, end hag'not helped the peovla to underatand tis problass -


ve eu ne es

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