After the fallout of May 1958,

a study into the methods of reducing or

minimizing the radiation dosages to personnel was considered advisable.
der mild fallout conditions,


where evacuation of all personnel would not be

practicable, it was believed that a washdown system on living quarters would
reduce interior radiation intensity

Upon completing the installation of the study's washdown equipment, no
fallout occurred on Site Elmer.

Therefore, aithough the efficiency of the new

system could not be tested during this Operation, a description of the installed
equipment and proposed procedures for the fallout protection study is presented herein,
Barracks 103 was selected as the fallout study structure and was provided with a sprinkler system that sprayed salt water over the entire roof
The water, washing down the slopes of the roof

would carry radioactive par-

ticulate matter into two different types of disposal systems on opposite sides

of the longitudinal axis of the building.
One disposal system utilized a gutter and rain spout for carrying the
wash water from the slope of the roof.

The rain spout emptied into a catch

basin which in turn emptied into the ocean,
The other disposal system,

on the opposite side of the roof, was not

provided with gutters and rainspouts.

The water fell from the roof onto a

10-foot wide asphalt apron that sloped away from the barracks to a ditch running parallel to the building. Not only would the particles falling onto the roof

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