A tent was erected at GZ to protect the instrumentation for the
subsequent shot from the elements.

While project personnel were pre-

paring the device for detonation, air samples were taken both inside
and outside the tent.

Although the air contamination inside the tent

was much lower than outside,

the wearing of respirators still was nec-

essary at all times.
Alpha contamination in the air inside the tent ranged from a

few d/m/m? up to 7000 d/m/m?, and outside the air contamination was
as high as 33, 000 a/m/m?,

To keep the air contamination inside the tent

to a minimum the floor and sides of the tent were cleaned with a vacuum
cleaner several times daily.

All personnel working in the GZ area were

monitored each time they returned through the check point,

Their living

quarters also were monitored, and alpha swipes were taken at the mess
hall on Site Elmer,

All swipes proved to be negative,

During this period and until recovery operations were completed
after the last event,

all vehicles and equipment entering the area north

of the rope barrier at the check point were required to remain for monitoring and decontamination.

Two jeeps and two weapons carriers trans-

ported personnel and equipment from the check point to the GZ area,


Final decontamination of GZ is in progress, anda fully docu-

mented report will be forthcoming.


Select target paragraph3