shown in Figure 6,2,

were located at the check point and provided

facilities for the decontamination of personnel returning from the contaminated area, In addition, the Rad-Safe barge was moored off-shore
to provide showering for personnel and a laundry for the decontamina-

tion of protective clothing.

An access was bladed with a road grader from the check point

to GZ,

Then, a parking area 75 x 25 feet was bladed on the upwind,

or oceanside of GZ,
Approximately three to five inches of contaminated topsoil was
removed, picked up by a skip-loader, and transported to an area on the
we st, or lagoon side of the island, Finally an area approximately 60 feet
square was bladed at GZ toa depth of 3 inches, and the soil was transported to the contaminated disposal site,

All contaminated equipment

and debris within the GZ area also was discarded at the disposal site.
The ''decontaminated'! area still indicated alpha activity in excess of 20,000 c/m, as measured by PAC-3G instruments.

To prevent

personnel from wandering into more highly contaminated areas, this
area was roped off, as shown in Figure 6, 3.
During the course of the work 69 nose swipes were taken of personnel working in the area.

None of the swipes showed detectable alpha

Urine samples were collected from seven H&N heavy equip-

ment operators and sent to Los Alamos for analysis.
urine analysis were negative.

All results of the

Select target paragraph3