


14 May 1958 Fallout
At 0715 hours on 14 May 1958, the continuous air monitor and back-

ground monitor at the Site Elmer Rad-Safe Center recorded readings that
were appreciably higher than those of the previous day,

The recorder chart showed that the background had started to rise at
0300 hours.

At 0715 hours the radiation levels both inside and outside the

Rad-Safe Center were 10 mr/hr. At 0900 hours a survey of the tent and barracks areas showed readings of 15 mr/hr both inside and outside the buildings.
At 1600 hours radiation levels ranged from 20 to 25 mr/hr.
At 0730 hours on 15 May the radiation levels were from 10 to 15 mr/hr.

the levels began to decrease less rapidly until a steady read-

ing of from 2 to 2,5 mr/hr was reached on 19 May.
Two film badges were placed outside the Rad-Safe Center at 0845 hours,

14 May, and were removed at 0950 hours on 18 May.

The badges recovered

dosages of 1790 mr and 1360 mr.
On 15 May air samples were taken with a model AD-440 Gast Pump for
1 hour with a flow rate of 17.5 liters per minute.

The background in the Site

Elmer Rad-Chem trailer was too high to count these samples,

therefore the

samples were sent to the Site Nan Rad-Chem trailer for counting and determination of decay rate.

Figure 5.1 represents the time vs, dose-rate curve

for this fallout.


Select target paragraph3