
Ths rentof eG toto indicate, however, that, if *all-

\\p. eebhaednaneunempreapenteneisttivctoris hrmeee

mown wind-shear conditions, the probability of collecting satisfactary

weather" conditions ara complicated by unfavorable and inaccurately

sezplea is low.

As it was, the collection of at least sane clood material

by the majority of the sampling aircraft should be considered an achisvenent of the first magnitude.

In view of the weathar conditians

aircraft malfunctions which occured, the execution of




mission without fatality should be considered a tribute to the skill and

courage of the F8),0 pilots who flew ite |



Under circumstances in which a high probability of a complete
failure of the aircraft sampling effort ‘existed it-4s fortunate that
two surface samples, one from a blower unit on Engebi and the other frau

a funnel unit on Bogallua, provided useful sample material and would have
teen invaluable in the absence of any other samples.

Select target paragraph3