
Wind velecities in the lowest levels shall be persistent in
direction with time to permit reliable predicticns for at
least 2 hows just prior to the test. Vertical wind shear
in direction and velocity is desirable provided the trajectory of the entire cloud mass is confined to a secter which

contains minimal population witnin a radius of 50 miles.

Radiological Safety


The external dose to non-participating inhabitants, of radiation from gamma rays, shall not excced the accepted interna-

tional permissible dose level of 300 mr/wk, which may be

OVEr a maximum of 10 wecks.


At a point of human habitation, the activity of radioactive


The 2h-hour average radioactivit; per cubic meter of air, due
to suspended particles havine diameters in the range O micron
to 5,0 microns, shall not exceed 1/100 of tie above; nor is it
desirable that any individual particle in this size range have
an activity creater than 10-2 microcuries calculated } hours
after the blast.

particles in the atmosphere, averaged over a period of 2) hours,
shall be Limited to 100 micrucuries per cubic meter of air
(corresponding approximately to 4 ground level gamma intensity
of 30 mr/hr).

Radiological Test Data to be Chtained

Gross observations on the clouds



on the surface:

follow the cloud in detail up to 50

miles, taking data on wind, height of cloud, diameter,
dissipation, local variations duv to wind currents, etc.
in the airs

follow the general contour of the cloud

until level of twice backgrcund is reached.
will be worked out with AFOAT-1).


Measurement of external radiction at ground level during
passage of the cloud, along trajectory of the cloud.
Ratio of beta to gamma activity at various points and times
along the trajectory and at places of appreciable fall-out,
Detailed plot of fall-out, from rim of crater through ereas
showing approximately twice background intensity.

Select target paragraph3