John C. Clark, J-Division


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July 11, 1951

T. Le Shipman, M.D., Health Division Leader

In view of your forthcoming trip to Washington, there are a few matters
which T would like to send along with you, either for your own information
or for discussion in Washington,

1. L. R. D.
In accordance with the conference in your office on 11 July, it can be
stated that neither you as its Director nor the Rad Safe officers have
specific interest in cloud tracking activities beyond a maximum radius of
600 miles. It is our feeling that beyond this distance any cloud will be

sufficiently dispersed so that aircraft, commercial, private or military,

can fly through it with impunity. I further feel that at these distances
there can be no significant fall-out which could possibly produce a health
hazard of any sort. We feel, therefore, that cloud tracking activities
beyond this distance should be contracted for by the AM, By previous
memo and discussion with Walter Claus of the Division of Biology and
Medicine, I have stated that we do not feel able to administer and supervise dust collecting, air sampling or ground monitoring programs beyond
a 200-mile area, and that such work, if it is to be done, should be
administered by someone in or appointed by the Division of Biology and
‘he information gained from such programs is of some academic
interest to us, and copies of reports of such activities should certainly
be sent here,
the information gained, however, may be of specific interest
and importance to the AEC and the Division of Biology and Medicine in
providing data for the photographic industry and also in defending any
claims or suits for damage resulting from the operations. If the Division
of B& Mhas not started anything in this direction, they should perhaps
be needled gently.


It is my feeling that developing detailed plans for possible evacuation of
civilian population and the carrying out of such plans is not a responsibility

of the Rad Safe organization.

I feel that it is our responsibility to

determine in advance under what conditions evacuation should be accomplished
and to state when such conditions have been attained, It should be an
additional responsibility to point out which of alternate evacuation routes
might be preferable,
‘he magnitude of the operation is already placing
enough of a work load on all Rad Safe personnel so that I do not feel it

possible to assign specific people to this work.

‘There is also the fact

Select target paragraph3