
mr tke atomic


Its trans—

App endix

The attached curves are those from which the numbcrs in the tables were


For any given case one first determines which of the family

of curves to usc from the relation

=xy 10


where "h "is the cloud height in miles and "a" is the mean particle
diameter~in microns. If one then chooses a wind velocity "V" in mph
and a distance "Dt in miles from zero one can determine the integratcd
dose "I" in roentgens from the curve labeled by the parameter "n",
The following points arc immediately evident from the curve:
(1) For fixed "V" and "D' a unique value of "n" gives the heaviest
dose at D.
‘Thus for a fixed mean particle diameter "a" the dose will be
decreased both by igher and lower cloud heights. Physically the higher
cloud leads to greater dilution and the lower leads to greatcr deposition,
near the crater,

For fixed "h_" and "a",

two regions of wind velocity "V" exist

such that the dosc at "D" is below the maximum possible at that distance.
For example, :f, at D= 50 miles and n=, one wants the integratcd dose
to be less than 5 roentgens, the condition vill be mct by
V 218 moh


V& 3.4 mph

The condition n = ) corresponds to a cloud hcight of 2 miles end a mean

particle size of about 35 microns.


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Select target paragraph3